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How to Use Testimonials to Market Your Business

When it comes to marketing for your business, consumers like to feel valued, personally connected and trusting. One of the best techniques for this strategy are customer testimonials.

Testimonials are an effective marketing tool that build trust, are candid and convincing. So how can your business use testimonials? Today we’ll take a look and find out. 


Ask for Feedback

The first step in generating effective testimonials for business is asking customers for genuine feedback. Send out standard emails to consumers who buy your products or service and ask them to fill out a short survey with room for comments. Not only can this create useful testimonials to market your business, but it can also show areas to improve.


Keep it Short

When using testimonials in marketing materials, keep quotes short, sweet and to the point. Potential customers don’t want to read a long, drawn-out claim of how great your business is, but they do want something to give a quick synopsis that will stick in their memory. 


Be Authentic

Ask testimonial customers permission to include their statements in marketing materials. If possible, include their name, company and year of the testimonial. Show potential customers this is a real person who was truly satisfied with your services. If possible, see if they’re comfortable being contacted, so consumers could ask directly about their experiences.


Give Explanation

Choose marketing testimonials that are as detailed as possible. Comments such as “I love this company!” are nice, but they give little information about what your business actually does or excels at. Utilize testimonials that give specific examples of how the company helped a customer and what bettered their life. The more explanation, the better.


Vary Users

One testimonial doesn’t carry much weight compared with competitors’ who may have three-four. Aim for as many testimonial options as possible, and publish a significant amount on your marketing materials. Be sure to keep some on the back burner for variation, but put multiple in the spotlight so consumers can see a wide range of positive opinions.


Stay Updated

In using testimonials online with marketing materials, it’s important to stay updated regularly. Consumers won’t be impressed if they come back to your site various times within a year-long span and continually see the same two-three testimonials. Continuously strive to get new testimonials and update them as regularly as possible to stay fresh and appear current with potential customers.


Marketing a business doesn’t have to be all on your shoulders. Strengthen materials by letting customers speak for you through testimonials. Build trust, personality and credibility through client testimonials singing your praises, and your marketing strategy will thrive.